10 Ton RTU Replacement In Philadelphia, PA

10 Ton RTU Replacement In Philadelphia, PA

A.M. Botte recently did a 10 ton RTU replacement in Philadelphia, PA. The Client Flynn Commercial Property Management was having trouble with their heating & cooling unit that we installed over 15 years ago, the old system was malfunctioning and causing the employees to feel cold or hot depending on the outside weather. This winter they finally had enough and called the experts at A.M. Botte, we sent out a technician to take a look at their machine and give them an estimate. Our technician saw that the machine was a dinosaur and needed to be replaced, and the business owners agreed. Once everything was set an installation team was sent out to do the 10 ton RTU replacement in Philadelphia, PA. Our team went out at 5 AM to avoid inconveniencing the employees of Flynn Commercial Property Management. Once everything was completed the client was ecstatic to finally have a properly conditioned office!

Company Name of Customer: Flynn Commercial Property Management

Address of Service: Philadelphia PA

Highlights of 10 Ton RTU Replacement In Philadelphia, PA

10 ton RTU replacement for office area
The unit that we installed over 15 years ago was due for replacement
The work was scheduled at 5am start to avoid traffic and blocking the parking lot for employees
The unit was fully installed and operational by 10am the same day so they did not go without heat
We have replaced several units on this building and maintain the service agreement

Photos of job: 

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