How to Change Your Air Filter in 7 Simple Steps

Known for our leading HVAC services in the Mt. Laurel, NJ region, we here at A.M. Botte Mechanical, LLC. also believe that it is important to educate our clients on various tasks that aid in the care of their air conditioners and heaters.


Poor energy efficiency

Frozen evaporator coils

Unhealthy air

Inadequate cooling and heating


All of the unfortunate items listed above can stem from a dirty air filter. So, how do you prevent that from happening? Here’s how you can change your air filter in seven simple steps.


  1. Turn off your HVAC system: Just to be safe, be sure to turn off your air conditioner or heater before changing your air filter.
  1. Make sure you have the right filter for your unit: When changing an air filter, you have to make sure that it is the right size. You can check the side of an old filter for the measurements or measure the length and width of the space for complete filtration.
  1. Open the return vent: Your air filter will be found in a return vent that will be located either in your unit itself, a wall or your ceiling.
  1. Take out old filter: Dispose of the old, dirty unit by gently placing it into a plastic bag and disposing of it immediately in a trash can outside so you do not release any dust or particles into your home.                                                                                                                                                                                               filter
  1. Securely install new filter: Place your new filter where the previous one was, making sure that it is facing the right direction to ensure proper airflow. Close the return.
  2. Turn system back on to test airflow: Simply, turn your system back on to ensure that air is flowing properly and that the filter is staying in place.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               calendar
  1. Take note of when you replaced air filter: You can do this by making a note in your smartphone’s calendar as a reminder or placing a handwritten note in somewhere that you will remember. Remember, your air filter should be changed at least every three months.


If you wish to learn more about changing an air filter or are interested in our HVAC services in the Medford, NJ region, you can reach us by calling 888-729-9215 or filling out a contact form.